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  1. R

    Request/Unbann (Denied)

    So i got banned for two reasons i think: 1. I used speedclicker, yes  i admit thats cheating i will never do it again 2. my friend got arrested i askeda Police officer if im allowed to free him and shoot all the cops around he said yes you are and then all happened.Was in kavala Police hq...
  2. R

    ban (Denied)

    Got a ban for no reason can you tell me why o got banned my ingame Name is A.E.F Ramin
  3. R

    request for compensation (Refused - Truck still active)

    I did just lost my truck, because i spawned it in right after the restart and just when it did spawn i locked it and all of a sudden it said it wasnt my truck anymore even a Police officer confirmed that now ist gone. A few hours ago one of your Servers got attacked by a hacker or something i...