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  1. Germand

    Serbian Maffia (Rejected - No Evidence)

    Hi.  I was killed out of no reason.  On my way to Kavala so went my front wheel broke and I stopped behind a car at the peach field .  And suddenly a guy jumped out of his car and shot me . He said nothing but just shot me instantly. Then he could take the opportunity and take my car and...
  2. Germand

    unban requested (Unbanned 22/12/2014)

    I I know I did wrong but I think I should get a second chance because it was never intended to offend anyone . And when I read other forums dealing with the banning so I can see that many others get a second chance when even them has broken the rules. Moreover , I am also new to this game and...
  3. Germand

    unban requested (Denied)

    I just wanted to get my final say in this. I'm sorry for the name "Adolf Shitler" I agree with that it's silly and I have infact changed it. All I did on the server was to help some people and play with them, I was kind to them and they were kind to me. I think this is an unfair sentence for...
  4. Germand

    Banned (Denied)

    I have just bought this game, and have played for 3 hours, as this server was my first of all servers. I jump in with my quite silly name "Adolf Shitler" mainly because I didn't know how to change name, which I tried.  I was unaware of that create new profile button, as it's required to name...