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  1. Wolfiee

    Compensation Request - Pvt. Jensen

    In-game Name: Pvt. Jensen Steam ID: 76561198085944526 Date this happened: 06/26/2016 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was at the Oiltrader with my helicopter (Flying with oil). When i were finished, 2 guys came and robbed me, and they also took my...
  2. Wolfiee

    Compensation Request - Pvt. Jensen

    In-game Name: [ASOF] pvt. Jensen Steam ID: 76561198085944526 Date this happened: 06/25/2016 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: I flew the Helicopter. And we were on a ''Heli-chase'' in the Rebel area. When we flew after him, he suddenly took off his...
  3. Wolfiee

    Pvt. Jensen -Unban Appeal (Unbanned 17/03/2015)

    Hello! My in-game name: Pvt. Jensen My steam profile ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/altislife4life My GUID: 98cab9457cc1b53588e8388ec9cc770a Date & time i was banned :14/01/2015 The rule i broke: Rule 5: Rest of Altis My reason: Im really sorry for this situation. I want to get...
  4. Wolfiee

    Pvt. Jensen -Unban Appeal (No response)

    Hello! :)   My in-game name: Pvt. Jensen My steam profile ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/altislife4life My GUID: 98cab9457cc1b53588e8388ec9cc770a Date & time i was banned: 14/01/2015 The rule i broke: Rule 5: Rest of Altis My reason: Im really sorry for this situation. I want to get...
  5. Wolfiee

    I got banned for RDM, but it was Self-defence. (Format not used)

    Hello! Pvt. Jensen Here! I got banned by rdm, but it wasn't rdm, it was Self-defence. What Happenened: Me and my crew were at the DrugDealer. We found some Guys= we wanted to rob them. I jumped out of our helicopter (huron), and camped at the drug dealer. When i heard the...