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  1. M

    Application stuck on pending

    Not sure if this is the right section, as i'm asking im already thinking it's not but....I had an interview with the Police, failed (ofcourse) the interview and the offcier who took the inteview stated I could apply again straight away as my application was submited a month ago...its stuck at...
  2. M

    Had an interview for Police, can't re-submit application

    Hi, Not sure if this is the right section, as i'm asking im already thinking it's not but....I had an interview with the Police, failed (ofcourse) the interview and the offcier who took the inteview stated I could apply again straight away as my application was submited a month ago...its stuck...
  3. M

    Police Application pending after interview

    Hi, Not sure if this is the right section, as i'm asking im already thinking it's not but....I had an interview with the Police, failed (ofcourse) the interview and the offcier who took the inteview stated I could apply again straight away as my application was submited a month ago...its stuck...