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  1. Alexander Zevski


    Anybody cologne watching ESL? if yes who do you think is gonna win esl cologne, i pretty much think EnVyUs or KinguiN :D http://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo holy shit kinguin motivated me so hard i got global <33333 my csgo profile, my main steam has no arma 3 :(
  2. Alexander Zevski

    Holy moly!

    Dayum i was surfing around the steam workshop for arma 3, till i found this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=500929500  NATO and RUS full clothing and weapon pack, imagine this one was added in altis, jesus! its 860mb tho ;_; shitty bohemia why u no add dis
  3. Alexander Zevski

    Tomorow land 2015

  4. Alexander Zevski

    Suicidals versus Shia LaBeouf - Alexander Zevski

    RIP in pepperoni..  yeah they ended up dead.. :(
  5. Alexander Zevski

    my cancer strikes again.. :(

    if you wondered why the DJ ( me ) hasnt come on in a while my liver cancer has striked again for the second time :(  so i wont play for a while i geuss im kinda sad off it im only 18 and normaly this cancer strikes when your around 67 so its pretty rare for my age :l my body has trouble with...