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  1. lukesl

    Police Controls

    i have recently joined the police but i have also changed my keyboard to one with no numpad.  so does anyone know about controls such as ANPR, because at the moment i am unable to do so.  sorry if i am posting in the wrong bit, but i have not been whitelisted on the police forums yet. kind regards 
  2. lukesl

    Sound Issues

    i have been having the issue where i randomly lose all sound and do not regain it requiring me to restart the game.  furthermore i believe it stems from TS because when i load up arma with TS open i don not have any sound from the off.  I am really confused and it could potentially be my shit...
  3. lukesl

    Report a Player - heli master - VDM

    Your In-game name Luke Jamerson Name of the player(s) you are reporting heli master Date of the incident 12/23/2016 Time of the incident (GMT) 1412 What best describes this incident ? VDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe the incident...