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  1. Felix Morningstar

    Un-ban Appeal - Felix Tetsuya (Unbanned)

    In-game Name Felix Tetsuya Steam ID 76561198056845191 The date of your ban. 12/27/2015 Member of the team that banned you. Jordan (Mentor) Reason given for your ban. "Bullying" The Server you initially was banned on. Teamspeak In your own words, Please type why you think you was...
  2. Felix Morningstar

    Background and arrival of Felix Morningstar

    Felix Morningstar grew up in an orphanage in the north of England, he never really had any friends growing up as the other children could always tell there was something.. off.. with him.. But he did have some friends who were a little strange themselves but they never lasted too long, you see...
  3. Felix Morningstar


    Hi staff, I understand the recent spout of crashes isn't your fault its the update released but i am just wondering if i could get a detailed update if possible on what is going on with that, i only ask because i've been playing the game for over a week now and the only thing frustrating me is...
  4. Felix Morningstar

    Compensation Request - Felix Tetsuya

    In-game Name: Felix Tetsuya Steam ID: 76561198056845191 Date this happened: 12/02/2015 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was transferring money to my friend [KCF] Montie to buy me some gear at the rebet outpost but althought the first worked the...