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  1. Noot

    Un-ban Appeal - Noot - 08/06/2016

    In-game Name CSO Noot Steam ID 76561198268579333 The date of your ban. Member of the team that banned you. ArrogantBread Reason given for your ban. RDM The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I was banned for...
  2. Noot

    FTT Link

    Can someone link me the FTT page on how to pass it........
  3. Noot

    FTT Link

    Can someone link me the FTT page on how to pass it........
  4. Noot

    Police Force

    i have just passed my FTC what do i do now do i do my FTT and then get whitelisted or ......?
  5. Noot


    Is it possible to change my forum name?
  6. Noot


    I have just filled out a police application form. If its accepted or denied where can i find out if it has been accepted or denied ?
  7. Noot


    I have just filled out a police application form. If its accepted or denied where can i find out if it has been accepted or denied ?
  8. Noot


    What is the best way in price per run to make money. i do copper runs atm but need something that pays better. can anyone tell me what the best way is?
  9. Noot


    What is the best way to make money in Altis Life ?
  10. Noot

    What happened to RolePlay Server 2

    Can anyone tell me why altis life 2 server has went offline?