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  1. Honda2k18

    Un-ban Appeal - Honda2k18 - 11/09/18

    In-game Name Honda Steam ID 76561198829007236 The date of your ban. 11/09/18 Member of the team that banned you. Robert Reason given for your ban. (6.2.2) (1.7) The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I was...
  2. Honda2k18

    Police Prowler for sell

    I have a prowler for sell police issue wanting 1.5 mill for it no offers
  3. Honda2k18

    Un-ban Appeal - Honda2k18 - 08/06/18 (Unbanned)

    In-game Name SoE HonDa [KP] Steam ID 76561198829007236 The date of your ban. 08/06/18 Member of the team that banned you. Yankee & Rekkemmo Reason given for your ban. 7.2.5 5.4 7.1.3 The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think...
  4. Honda2k18


    Hi guys I'm still fairly new to RPUK and over my many trips on the lovely island, Iv over heard about a group called "UMSC" so I done some digging on the forms and I found the mayor doing some sort of praise that our gone, My question who are they and what was they and what happened to them...