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  1. Polder

    PMC Milsim Night - Operation Recovered Love

    I'll be there, Let's make sure this lad gets his car back in one piece
  2. Polder

    New Cover Photos and New Avatars

    - Cover or Avatar or Desktop Photo: Cover and Avatar - What type of background ? Something with a Special forces operator - What would you like written on the image 'Polder' on the Cover And 'CTRG' for the Avatar
  3. Polder


    Thought so bea
  4. Polder


    I don't have any set in stone but you'd be looking at upcomming sunday or next week somewhere
  5. Polder


    Combat Technology Research Group Group 14 RECRUITMENT/TRAINING Department As of today the SBS has launched a new Group within their active units, formally known as the Combat Technology Research Group. From now on reffered to as CTRG. CTRG consists out of multiple active groups operating all...
  6. Polder

    MILSIM Training - 02/06/16

    Upcoming saturday milsim training will take place. For more info refer to this post:
  7. Polder

    ACE Training + Advanced Combat Course 02/07/16 1300 GMT

    Upcoming saturday we will commence the first training. For this training you will need the standard modset:  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=691690689 + ACE: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=463939057&searchtext=ace3. The training will commence at...
  8. Polder

    ACE Training + Advanced Combat Course 29/06/16 1900 GMT

    Because not a lot of people replied to the topic. I'm postponing the trainings till coming saturday at 1400 GMT. I will make a new topic for that training asap. I'm very sorry for this delay. I will talk to Birkett about hosting our first ACE op on that day.
  9. Polder

    MILSIM Training - 29/05/16

    Upcomming wensday milsim training will take place. For more info refer to this post:  or post a reply in this topic
  10. Polder

    ACE Training + Advanced Combat Course 29/06/16 1900 GMT

    Upcomming wensday we will commence the first training. For this training you will need the standard modset:   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=691690689 + ACE: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=463939057&searchtext=ace3. The training will commence at...
  11. Polder

    MILSIM Training

    In the coming weeks most likely on sundays because they're easiest for me but I'll try to host as many as possible so more people can get the expierence It would help me a lot to know specifically in what training you're interested. Mainly to make plans
  12. Polder

    MILSIM Training

    Announcement: Starting the coming week I wil host two types of training: ACE Training Advanced combat course ACE training to join the coming ACE operations which will replace most operations. The advanced combat course will be required for advanced MILSIM operations possibly hosted in...
  13. Polder

    Operation: Tombstone (08/06/16 1900 GMT)

    Some of the best ArmA screens i've ever seen great job mate
  14. Polder

    Operation: Tombstone (08/06/16 1900 GMT)

    Situation: One month ago the island of Straits was attacked by ISIS forces, as the island was not deemed to be of strategic importance Army personal had been shipped out to help with the conflict in Altis. Due to low numbers an evacuation was called and the units pulled out. During the fighting...
  15. Polder


    I'm up for doing a 'nam era mission even making one
  16. Polder

    MILSIM Training - 25/05/2016 1900 GMT

    If you get accepted your section Leader will contact you i will also post a list on this forum post either today or tommorow
  17. Polder

    MILSIM Training - 25/05/2016 1900 GMT

    Loving it great job
  18. Polder

    MILSIM Training - 25/05/2016 1900 GMT

    No minimum age as of now we mainly look at the level of RP and seriousness people can bring
  19. Polder

    MILSIM Training - 25/05/2016 1900 GMT

    Remember to post your application on time only accepted applications are allowed to attend training