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  1. Genmali


  2. Genmali

    Hewo Fwends

    I'll just respawn
  3. Genmali

    Hewo Fwends

    I've always wanted to shoot @TacticalPandawithout ordering him to stand still... Oh and @DSGT Matt Pettorossiyou can never destroy a plague ;)
  4. Genmali

    Classic Karaoke...

    DI Cryant, INS Dredd and SGT Maccas... This is some old shit, haha ;D
  5. Genmali


    I have to say, i don't think my stomach as hurt that much from laughing in a long time :P
  6. Genmali


    No words needed... @lukenaitor http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=668240870
  7. Genmali

    Just realised now i am on your cover picture, haha. That pic is oooooold man ;P

    Just realised now i am on your cover picture, haha. That pic is oooooold man ;P
  8. Genmali

    Oh yea... I remember those days :P That's a long time ago though, haha Back when @Commander...

    Oh yea... I remember those days :P That's a long time ago though, haha Back when @Commander Maratekwas still arouund ;P
  9. Genmali

    Still didn't answer my question though, how, and why? xD

    Still didn't answer my question though, how, and why? xD
  10. Genmali

    Oh god :P

    Oh god :P
  11. Genmali

    Why... How... Did you fint that? :P find*

    Why... How... Did you fint that? :P find*
  12. Genmali

    That is the wierdest, craziest and funniest profile song i have seen so far i think... :P

    That is the wierdest, craziest and funniest profile song i have seen so far i think... :P
  13. Genmali

    Multiplayer Horror Highlights - LOV style!

    http://store.steampowered.com/app/251170/ Trust me man, it is, once you get it working xD
  14. Genmali

    Multiplayer Horror Highlights - LOV style!

    Multiplayer horror game - Damned, probably the most buggy game ever :P
  15. Genmali

    Hahaha, what the fuck man! xD

    Hahaha, what the fuck man! xD
  16. Genmali

    Important question regarding no scroll wheel

    As a rebel, we can't check licenses, so what if you're in an active gunfight, and the guy you are fighting combat-logs while out of sight, but because you don't know his name, you will never actually realize that he combat-logged
  17. Genmali

    Compensation Request - Genmali

    Around the beginning, i open my inventory, so you can see pretty much everything. This is th ebest i've got :P towards the end is the crash aswell :)
  18. Genmali

    Compensation Request - Genmali

    @JohnJoeegan I can try to find it, hold on. Edit: I found some evidence that i at least have the gear and the weapon, however i can't really find footage of the amount of magazines, so i guess you will have to take my word for that ;P Or not comp that :P The video should be up soon :-)
  19. Genmali

    Multiplayer Horror Highlights - LOV style!

    Title says it all, and these are only some of the highlights. And before the link i just wanna apologize to @Cryant, i love you buddy ;)
  20. Genmali

    Compensation Request - Genmali

    In-game Name: [LOV] Genmali Steam ID: 76561198034277599 Date this happened: 02/16/2016 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was doing a meth run with my friend, and i was maybe driving a little too close behind him. We had fine connection for the...