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  1. Germand

    Sean Pierre (Withdrawn by OP - Rejected)

    I can understand the part that he wrote you a message, it is without doubt bad RP, although not too serious since people often mean it as a joke. Are you sure Jean wasn't OOC? And also, do you have evidence that he actually returned? Which is the main question in this, breaking NLR. And if, do...
  2. Germand

    Restart Times (Poll Closed)

    I think that 4-hour restart time is the way to go.  First to mention that the garages often seems to start bug and glitch after about 3 hours. If we had a 3-hour restart time the garages would start to glitch after just 2 hours. And 2 hours is too short a time inside on this server. Cheers!
  3. Germand

    Serbian Maffia (Rejected - No Evidence)

    Hi.  I was killed out of no reason.  On my way to Kavala so went my front wheel broke and I stopped behind a car at the peach field .  And suddenly a guy jumped out of his car and shot me . He said nothing but just shot me instantly. Then he could take the opportunity and take my car and...
  4. Germand

    unban requested (Unbanned 22/12/2014)

    ID: 76561197999222879 Steam id: Germand Thanks for your time Walco.
  5. Germand

    unban requested (Unbanned 22/12/2014)

    1.The reason I got banned was because my former name was " Adolf Shitler " 2.I did not even know that your steam name automatically became in-game name. the name was not meant to offend anyone . 3.have read all the rules carefully. Was looking for a rule that applies unseemly name but did not...
  6. Germand

    unban requested (Unbanned 22/12/2014)

    I I know I did wrong but I think I should get a second chance because it was never intended to offend anyone . And when I read other forums dealing with the banning so I can see that many others get a second chance when even them has broken the rules. Moreover , I am also new to this game and...
  7. Germand

    unban requested (Denied)

    I just wanted to get my final say in this. I'm sorry for the name "Adolf Shitler" I agree with that it's silly and I have infact changed it. All I did on the server was to help some people and play with them, I was kind to them and they were kind to me. I think this is an unfair sentence for...
  8. Germand

    Banned (Denied)

    Because I am against Hitler , you must understand that my name has nothing whatsoever to do with racism ? Simple logic that anyone should understand .
  9. Germand

    Banned (Denied)

    to clarify that my name is intended against Adolf and not against the Germans.  furthermore I am half German and why would I betray my own people
  10. Germand

    Banned (Denied)

    Okey.  Firstly, I did not know that my steam name would be my in-game name. And secondly , I can not see any written rule about this on the website. I understand of course that the name may be offensive to some individuals. But it is now changed 
  11. Germand

    Banned (Denied)

    I have just bought this game, and have played for 3 hours, as this server was my first of all servers. I jump in with my quite silly name "Adolf Shitler" mainly because I didn't know how to change name, which I tried.  I was unaware of that create new profile button, as it's required to name...