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  1. Brenden Gallagher

    VIP Truck Shop

    The only garages are the garages, so far as I know. That or the taxi place at the airport.
  2. Brenden Gallagher

    VIP Truck Shop

    You too, mate. Try to avoid the hobos.
  3. Brenden Gallagher

    VIP Truck Shop

    VIP auto sales in Kavala Square, or maybe Athira, I'm usually in K-town. It's right next to the regular car vendor.
  4. Brenden Gallagher

    Why do you Play ALUK?

    I came from another server that was pure chaos, roleplay was optional and Kavala Square looks like Syria does now. Too soon? Probably. But it's true. If there's not three cars burning in the Square it's a slow day, and if there isn't mass RDM without a single warning it's just downright...
  5. Brenden Gallagher

    Brenden Gallagher, Iron Miner and Karaoke Singer

    To say Kavala was unpleasant was putting it lightly. Ever since he'd gotten off the plane on this lousy rock all he'd come across was hobos. Hobos on quadbikes. Hobos in sedans. Hobos taking jumper cables out of other people's ruttin' cars.  Who even does that? Seriously? Jumper cables? He'd...