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  1. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Underground Fighting League - The UFL begins.

    Thanks man, was a very close match got the blood pumping!  GG for being more ballsy then me too!
  2. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Harry Potter Finale - It's finally over

    @Chris Robinson The final feud is over, we can all go to bed now. (hint: look at the feed)
  3. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for not going jiggy on the black widow
  4. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for the ballsack beard
  5. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for animal cruelty 
  6. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for using that against me.
  7. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for what not knowing what your profile picture is  meant to be?f
  8. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for the bants
  9. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Lads on tour boys, then go for a cheeky Nandos!

    Lads on tour boys, then go for a cheeky Nandos!
  10. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Altis Revolution "Mini" Event - Tonight 8pm

    Thanks @Steph ♥ was a fun event! the advisors no longer take taxes off the poor and smoke crack in the mayors office! was fun
  11. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Nightcrawler News Agency

    @Agent Washington oh yes, Infact i got this job from filming the birds!
  12. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Nightcrawler News Agency

    We have stories. We could shut you down son, the police will be paying me to be shush! @JohnJoeegan
  13. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Nightcrawler News Agency

  14. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Nightcrawler News Agency

    @Chris Robinson This is a work in progress, more content too come. We have already gained some official comments featuring "No comment" "Please leave, this is a crime scene" "No pictures"  - The Athira Constabulary Watch this space. 
  15. Benedict Cumberbatch


    Ah yes  remember having one of these 'raves' back in 1942, although it only consisted in morse code, sometimes the german interpreter would request certain sequences, i have a few favourites, .--. ---. -.-.- -..- now that was somthing!
  16. Benedict Cumberbatch

    Binge drinking with the locals

    One casually taking large quantities of Whiskey and still live to tell the tail. I simply must take a break sometimes from code breaking as such.  I believe Ossi gave me this round... and every other round on the house! If i could remember by the end of our 'antics' i possibly consumed 30-40...