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  1. Carmont

    France flag ALUK logo

    It's a shame that people think that way. On that terrible day, I believe 115,000 lives were lost to both terrorist attacks and natural disasters. It's a damn shame that most of the world will only remember Paris on that day.
  2. Carmont

    The RTU life

    STYLE POINTS +10000
  3. Carmont

    draw them things u h8

    Hands down, this is the best post I've seen in a long time!
  4. Carmont

    With regards to resolving an issue...

    Just a quick question about a situation that me and a friend just had to deal with. So long story short, there was a situation, and we called player A, to TS to resolve. Player A doesn't turn up, but player B comes along to speak on their behalf.  This doesn't seem right to me, surly when...
  5. Carmont

    Holding a public event in game for Remembrance Day

    It's a nice idea. And as much as I am for this kind of event. Maybe to keep with RP, all citizen who are not allowed to carry anything other than a pistol, only use a pistol?
  6. Carmont

    Altis Police Monthly Newsletter November

    This was a lot of fun to read. GG's all around :)
  7. Carmont

    RDM by Sam

    It has not been resolved. I left with the impression I was being part comped (Agreed 250k) then Digby was told by you that I would not be comped, and I would have to take it to the forum as I have mentioned above. Even still, less than 5 seconds from initiation and I was dead. Again I will...
  8. Carmont

    RDM by Sam

    You claimed I would be comped before I left. Then my friend who was still in your channel was told that I will have to take it to the forum and you would not comp me. So here we are. I am still happy to drop this FYI.  Unless you are willing to resolve this peacefully, I will not be...
  9. Carmont

    RDM by Sam

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Sam   Time & Date this happened: 17/10/2015 - 15:05 Approx   Which Server did this happen on: Server 2   Description of what happened:   As you can see in the video, I was in my vehicle trunk at the time of initiation. We were told to put...