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  1. Stick

    New Mentors - Part 2 - October 2015

    Good job and good luck !
  2. Stick

    I got it already however.. The hovering doesn't work for me or i'm looking over it or whatever...

    I got it already however.. The hovering doesn't work for me or i'm looking over it or whatever lol.. Thanks anyways!
  3. Stick

    Yo guys what's the TS IP?

    Yo guys what's the TS IP?
  4. Stick

    FUCK ME!

    Call the government, they'll fuck you for free every day. Atleast that's what it's doing to my bankaccount daily..
  5. Stick

    My bad, i thought you had to apply as once i joined the server it said i needed to be...

    My bad, i thought you had to apply as once i joined the server it said i needed to be whitelisted. However i didn't see two other tabs and i just looked at the police one hehe. Thanks for the replys tho'!
  6. Stick

    How does one apply for the server?

    How does one apply for the server?