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  1. Gregory Hayle

    hey John how are you?

    hey John how are you?
  2. Gregory Hayle

    The Korean packing bags

    Hope to talk to you soon jedd, even though you aren't going to be ingame. :(
  3. Gregory Hayle

    Compensation Request - Gregory Hayle (Denied)

    In-game Name: Gregory Hayle Steam ID: 76561198039877303 Date this happened: 04/08/2016 The Server this happened on.: Server 2 Please provide full detail and evidence: was flying my chopper and got the ''no message received'' stuff Link to any evidence: https://vimeo.com/162115525 Lost items and...
  4. Gregory Hayle

    Un-ban Appeal - coolbestking (Unbanned)

    Because I want to improve, being a better RP:er, and I want to contribute to this great community that has given me many highlights of my Arma 3 experience. To improve? I think I have improved a little after my ban because I now know what is considered breaking the rules which wasn't in my head...
  5. Gregory Hayle

    Un-ban Appeal - coolbestking (Unbanned)

    So I was at the weed processor and the police showed up and shot at my friends helicopter so I hid in the building and after a while they found me and got me with rubber bullets and restrained me and after a while they put me in a police car and then my characters body bugged and he was standing...
  6. Gregory Hayle

    Un-ban Appeal - coolbestking (Unbanned)

    In-game Name Gregory Hayle Steam ID 76561198039877303 The date of your ban. 01/10/2016 Member of the team that banned you. Remix Reason given for your ban. Multiple Reasons The Server you initially was banned on. Server 1 In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned...