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  1. Spack Jarrow

    Report a Player - Chen - VDM (Rejected)

    to be honest i dont remmber it although dont worry i will never play on this server ever again. while trying to have role play got rdmed 3 times in 2day the community here is too salty and they called my lil brother retarted when he trying to roleplay becouse of his accent .
  2. Spack Jarrow

    Report a Player - Chen - VDM (Rejected)

    i never talked with you be4
  3. Spack Jarrow

    Report a Player - Chen - VDM (Rejected)

    all i did is to pull my track around to try to talk with u and u just rammed into me i wanted to make some good quality role play but u didnt stopped and drove around 90 mph while i was just going SLOWLY to your line inorder to talk with you but u just crushed i noticed the rules and i know what...