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  1. Trubz

    Compensation Request - Trubz

    Doesn't matter anymore. My house has fixed itself; however my box is still missing.
  2. Trubz

    Compensation Request - Trubz

    In-game Name: [GSW] Trubz Steam ID: 76561198171258899 Date this happened: 06/05/2016 The Server this happened on.: Server 3 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was playing on server three and i had saved up a £1 million to buy a house. It was about 30 minutes later and server three was...
  3. Trubz

    Who, Crumble or me?

    Who, Crumble or me?
  4. Trubz

    Oh sorry, hello there Cumbly mumbly ;)

    Oh sorry, hello there Cumbly mumbly ;)
  5. Trubz

    Un-ban Appeal - Trubz (Unbanned)

    Yes, i play on your server everyday and i read the rules at least once a week to refresh myself so things like this don;t happen. I am truly sorry if i caused any harm to any other players and i hope that you guys can give me the opportunity to enter the community again.
  6. Trubz

    Un-ban Appeal - Trubz (Unbanned)

    OK thats my bad, i just got a bit frustrated how people who requested to be un-banned yesturday are now being un-banned today. Sorry for pestering you guys.
  7. Trubz

    hello there sir :)

    hello there sir :)
  8. Trubz

    I've been waiting for so long and some help would be appreciated :) You have already replied to...

    I've been waiting for so long and some help would be appreciated :) You have already replied to my topic and; however, that was over a day ago and i would love if you could take a look if you have the time. Thanks.
  9. Trubz


  10. Trubz

    hello, Thesoldier

    hello, Thesoldier
  11. Trubz

    Un-ban Appeal - Trubz (Unbanned)

    Do you need me to complete anything else?
  12. Trubz

    Un-ban Appeal - Trubz (Unbanned)

    Have you forgotten about me? :(
  13. Trubz

    Un-ban Appeal - Trubz (Unbanned)

    Didn't know whether i had to quote your or not :/
  14. Trubz

    Un-ban Appeal - Trubz (Unbanned)

    In my own words, VDM would be where i would use my vehicle to run someone over or ram into another user. If i accidentally hit a vehicle, i would get out of mine, treat myself if needed, and then check to see if the other person is ok. I would then pay for any damages to their vehicle and...
  15. Trubz

    Un-banned requests

    have you ever been banned my friend?
  16. Trubz

    Un-banned requests

  17. Trubz

    Un-banned requests

    How long, on average, do un-banned requests take to be dealt with?  
  18. Trubz

    Un-ban Appeal - Trubz (Unbanned)

    In-game Name Jamie Steam ID 76561198171258899 The date of your ban. 05/30/2016 Member of the team that banned you. Crumble Reason given for your ban. VDM The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. Another quad...