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  1. Amber Leaf

    Funny, you deny my unban request, even tho this server is filled with hypocrites, yes it is a...

    Funny, you deny my unban request, even tho this server is filled with hypocrites, yes it is a huge server and this can be expected but Edgar Vile the person who banned me, who is apart of your staff has a profile pic which is just as offensive as my comments lol. You's probably won't ban him tho...
  2. Amber Leaf

    Un-ban Appeal - Amber Leaf - 11/30/2016 (Denied)

    Yeah I know it was completely unnecessary, I have said sorry though and have taken responsibility for my actions, it was a joke that was mistaken, that I took way to far, I apologize, I really enjoy this server and I have been so bored since the ban. Thanks for the response
  3. Amber Leaf

    Un-ban Appeal - Amber Leaf - 11/30/2016 (Denied)

    In-game Name Matty Steam ID 76561198201971708 The date of your ban. 11/28/2016 Member of the team that banned you. Edgar Ville Reason given for your ban. Racist The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. Because I...