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  1. Serukka

    Un-ban Appeal - Serukka - 01/08/2017 (Unbanned)

    About the exploiting: I honestly did not think about it as exploiting. Now that I look back upon it it's kinda obvious. Also wanted to get the last of the truckload of LSD in my house. Had a bad series of loses and was hoping to get back up my feet after that run. So I was stressed and was...
  2. Serukka

    Banned (Unban Appeal)

    Not in a rush my friend. Won't be able to play untill this weekend, have to do that thing where I sit in front of a computer 8 hours a day and get money at the end of the month. As i stated I understand there is no time frame. Just wanted to know if I was declined or not, that was unclear to...
  3. Serukka

    Banned (Unban Appeal)

    Dear reader, I was banned yesterday (Shame on me). I made an unban appeal and all that good stuff, Just a quick question.   I know that they cannot put a time frame on the appeal but I was wondering about something. Why do some post get answered faster than others. I saw that all other post...
  4. Serukka

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for not speaking more than 1 language.
  5. Serukka


  6. Serukka

    Un-ban Appeal - Serukka - 01/08/2017 (Unbanned)

    In-game Name Serukka Kasaki Steam ID 76561197996903016 The date of your ban. 01/08/2017 Member of the team that banned you. Vaffla Reason given for your ban. Exploiting/Breaking RP The Server you initially were banned on. Server 3 In your own words, please type why you think you...
  7. Serukka

    Report a Player - Kevin - RDM (Actioned)

    ''Waste of 75k"" really know's the rules... Serukka out
  8. Serukka

    Report a Player - Kevin - RDM (Actioned)

    SlimShady /watch?v=NGHALhd5IIA&feature=youtu.be 1:28 into this vid I ask calmy could you come to ts real quick. (Did not scream) also the video where is respawn in my house.(Will not be breaking NLR if it was RDM) And i will be waiting for your video. i did not hear any initiation.  On...
  9. Serukka

    Report a Player - Kevin - RDM (Actioned)

    Your In-game name Serukka Kasaki Name of the player(s) you are reporting JamstathaHamsta, Marcus, Kevin, SlimShady Date of the incident 01/05/1994 Time of the incident (GMT) 22 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 2 Please (in...