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  1. CodyT1Cody

    1,5M giveaway!

  2. CodyT1Cody

    2 Kavala Drug Houses For Sale!!!

    Sure ting
  3. CodyT1Cody

    2 Kavala Drug Houses For Sale!!!

    How  much?
  4. CodyT1Cody

    2 Kavala Drug Houses For Sale!!!

    The houses still up @Ziffy? If so I'll buy one.
  5. CodyT1Cody

    Please see If you can help.

    It only happens with kart DLC for some reason. It was the kart helmet. It was a kart helmet in the end I got rid of it.
  6. CodyT1Cody

    Please see If you can help.

    I've bought the stuff I need now so It's all cool.
  7. CodyT1Cody

    Please see If you can help.

    So what's happened is I can't load on as a civilian or a medic, I keep on receiving this in-game message 'Mission terminated DLC content required. Can anyone help?
  8. CodyT1Cody

    Rent A Blackfish

    [No message]
  9. CodyT1Cody

    Please see If you can help.

    100% sure that I have no DLCs or mods installed.
  10. CodyT1Cody

    Please see If you can help.

    So what's happened is I can't load on as a civilian or a medic, I keep on receiving this in-game message 'Mission terminated DLC content required. Can anyone help?
  11. CodyT1Cody

    I got rejected in a good way

    It was funny af though KMy response was Ok :)
  12. CodyT1Cody

    I got rejected in a good way

    I asked a straight forwad question ''Have you checked my application'' So he comes back with a straight forwad awnser ''It was shit''
  13. CodyT1Cody

    I got rejected in a good way

    "Cody": I was wondering if you could check my application? "Kech": it was shit "Cody": Ok hen I received this I laughed so much.
  14. CodyT1Cody

    Who would join my gang is i make one?

    I'm making a new gang, anyone want to join just @  me :)
  15. CodyT1Cody

    I'm poor ;(

    I bought ARAC to roleplay and I'm poor 363k isn't a lot. Any tips? #HOBO
  16. CodyT1Cody

    1Milion£ Giveaway

    Emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Most people will just spam like on the last day lol Booooooooommmm
  17. CodyT1Cody

    £4,000,000 Giveaway.

    It's unbelievable Jeff 37. 5