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  1. M0nK M9_unban

    Permanent Ban Appeal - M0nK M9_unban

    I know, it sounds ridicioulous. But Im sorry, I dont have any other story to tell. Frankly. Yes, Ive been around Invictia and so called "toxic" people, but that would be just stupid. I have put up an unban appeal for the metagaming reason and 3.5. Obviously I would want to get unbanned then. I...
  2. M0nK M9_unban

    Permanent Ban Appeal - M0nK M9_unban

    Oh, pardon me. I was on teamspeak and I wanted to go on reborn one. So I copied the adress and wanted to send it to my friend but instead of double-clicking him, I double-clicked on myself and instatly copied the adress so there was a teamspeak adress as my name and then I got instantly banned.
  3. M0nK M9_unban

    Permanent Ban Appeal - M0nK M9_unban

    In-game Name M0nK M9 Steam ID 76561198055388846 Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/92315-un-ban-appeal-just-monk-07232017-denied/?tab=comments#comment-528038 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I was banned for...