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  1. Mankletwory

    Permanent Ban Appeal - Mankletwory

    I know that you’d know exactly what I’d done, I was not trying to pull wool over your eyes I genuinely didn’t remember.. If something similar were to happen, I’d simply let the ban occur and speak in support afterwards for clarification. If the admin explain the reasoning I would appreciate...
  2. Mankletwory

    Permanent Ban Appeal - Mankletwory

    Honestly i was unsure why i was 1.6d because i just remembered being banned for the teleporting... Now you've brought that to attention, i remember the whole story. What i did in game i didn't consider teleporting, however it was viewed that way. I tried to converse with deleter in game but...
  3. Mankletwory

    Permanent Ban Appeal - Mankletwory

    In-game Name Mattt ajazuri Steam ID 76561198168617039 Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/forms/8-permanent-ban-appeal/ In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I was think I was banned for teleporting a truck from athira...