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  1. BarryBenson10


  2. BarryBenson10

    Unban Appeal - BarryBenson10 - GTA RP

    well considering there is only two options ill take the account wipe
  3. BarryBenson10

    Unban Appeal - BarryBenson10 - GTA RP

    I understand I was affiliated with this gang but there is loads of members that were and they have not been wiped, and the reason I'm disputing is a completely different situation so I don't understand why this would apply to me. 
  4. BarryBenson10

    Unban Appeal - BarryBenson10 - GTA RP

    The reason I associated with these players because they are people that I have had known for basically all my life, and at the time it really just rushed past me the entire situation, I was playing counter strike at the time and was trying to focus on the completive match so when I'm hearing...
  5. BarryBenson10

    Unban Appeal - BarryBenson10 - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for BarryBenson10  In-game Name: Barry Benson Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198090034700 The date you got banned: 09/13/20 Member of the team that banned you: Stealthee Reason given for your ban: G1.2 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I think I...