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  1. Zamoon

    Fish shop changes/fixes (correct format)

    Brief Summary: Fishing should be changed to make it a good option for legal earnings. Bait and Tackle is the business which supplies the required fishing tools, there are a few ways to make this place more for the civs.   Detailed Suggestion: The main issue I come across with people at the...
  2. Zamoon

    Fish shop changes/fixes

    First I'll start with the big one! The door to Bait and Tackle is a true annoyance, it either needs to change or be removed. There's the issue with people yeeting their vehicles onto the pier to save them time, this is dumb and very annoying (I don't see this as being RP friendly). I suggest...
  3. Zamoon

    Vehicle Handling Feedback

    I think the Dodge Challenger should get a little boost in the acceleration. The wheelie it used to have was a good way of getting a nice boost; to make up for the loss of wheelie, it should get a tad increase in the acceleration, then I think the challenger will be in a good spot.
  4. Zamoon

    Dodge Challenger

    The dodge challenger got it's wheelie removed, it was a great source of launching the car. I think the challenger should get a little increase to acceleration to make up for losing the wheelie which provided a good boost to it. The current acceleration of it is a tad bit too low, so I think...
  5. Zamoon

    Bait and Tackle ATM

    As someone who fishes a lot, holding all that cash from fish sales is risky at the sell spot. It would be really awesome to have an ATM within the shop. This would make the random attacks towards people at the Fish store less painful as they don't have to worry about their hard earned cash being...