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  1. B2_Emerge

    Unban Appeal - B2_Emerge - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for B2_Emerge  In-game Name: Bobby Cok Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198856005035 Ban ID: !!rpuk1495011!! Reason given for your ban: Illegal client In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: 'Due to having an illegal client installed' Why should...
  2. B2_Emerge

    Unban Appeal - B2_Emerge - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for B2_Emerge  In-game Name: Bobby Cok Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198856005035 Ban ID: !!rpuk1495011!! Reason given for your ban: Illegal client In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Illegal client, in my last appeal showed a clip of my armour going...
  3. B2_Emerge

    Unban Appeal - B2_Emerge - GTA RP

    Hi @Danoo thank you for your reply. Hope all is well with you also.  As I have said to violet I honestly have no clue how this has happened. When I finish work this afternoon I am going to try and look into it on different servers because by the looks of it I Shift+g it comes up with ‘cannot...
  4. B2_Emerge

    Unban Appeal - B2_Emerge - GTA RP

    Hello violet, I am being honest and didn’t even notice that my armour went up. I know it looks fishy but I seriously have no clue as I have never downloaded any software/hacks for anything.  I don’t know how/why it would of happened and I am being completely honest 
  5. B2_Emerge

    Unban Appeal - B2_Emerge - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for B2_Emerge  In-game Name: Bobby Cok Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198856005035 Ban ID: !!rpuk1495011!! Reason given for your ban: Illegal client In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Honestly have no clue why i would of been banned for an illegal...
  6. B2_Emerge

    Cypress new parking not working

    Steam ID: 76561198856005035 Character ID: 42073 When did this happen: 10/25/23 Summary: Cypress new parking not working Full Description: When trying to deliver vehicles as mechanic to cypress parking when inside of the zone marked on minimap and trying to park the vehicle it does not work...
  7. B2_Emerge

    Unban Appeal - B2_Emerge - GTA RP

    Hello Danoo 🙂 I’m doing well how about yourself. Honestly I don’t normally do things out of anger and over the past few years have managed to control my anger considerably well and haven’t really lashed out at all on the server from what I can remember 🙂 if I was given a second chance I would...
  8. B2_Emerge

    Unban Appeal - B2_Emerge - GTA RP

    Hello, Apologies for the delay. Working many hours at the moment.  Hope all is well. so, (C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead...
  9. B2_Emerge

    Unban Appeal - B2_Emerge - GTA RP

    Hi Mike.  im doing well thank you. And yourself? I will reply either later on today/tommorow due to being a work till late 🙂 
  10. B2_Emerge

    Unban Appeal - B2_Emerge - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for B2_Emerge  In-game Name: Bobby Cok Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198856005035 Ban ID: rpuk11143 Reason given for your ban: c2.3 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: 24/12/22 I was banned for combat logging as I got downed by some people which was...
  11. B2_Emerge

    Unban Appeal - B2_Emerge - GTA RP

    Hi Liam Thanks for the quick reply, it is in my own words, my first appeal i will admit i didn't put much effort into it as i just wrote it as quickly as i could but with your message on my last one i have took more time to type it up.
  12. B2_Emerge

    Unban Appeal - B2_Emerge - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for B2_Emerge  In-game Name: Bobby Cok Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198856005035 Ban ID: !!rpuk11143!! Reason given for your ban: c2.3 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: *Copied from previous appeal* I cant exactly remember but around 24/12/22 I f8...
  13. B2_Emerge

    Unban Appeal - B2_Emerge - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for B2_Emerge  In-game Name: Bobby Cok Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198856005035 Ban ID: !!rpuk11143!! Reason given for your ban: c2.3 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I cant exactly remember but around 24/12/22 I f8 quit after being downed as i...
  14. B2_Emerge

    Report a player - 368 Bobby Cok - GTA RP

    To be completly honest i didnt think about it at the time and i dont have any of it recorded because my NVIDIA has been messing up recently.
  15. B2_Emerge

    Report a player - See report - GTA RP

    no worries just though id check as I remembered someone said it but didn't know if anyone else heard it.
  16. B2_Emerge

    Report a player - See report - GTA RP

    Okay I wasn’t too sure. But if any other officers did hear him say it please answer my point.
  17. B2_Emerge

    Report a player - See report - GTA RP

    I was Id 21 in the van. When we went into the team speak call and was going back and fourth in circles I recall one of the officers saying that they heard Ju-Long say in game that if they was to cuff like that they was going to get shot. Can I ask which ever officer it was to explain why this...
  18. B2_Emerge

    Report a player - 368 Bobby Cok - GTA RP

    Afternoon mate. So obviously we spoke about it in ts and yeah I agree what I did was wrong but I literally got onto the server like 2 minutes before that and with being told after I had logged in that people were took hostage the night before for over 6 hours I genuinely thought that it was...
  19. B2_Emerge

    resisting arrest
