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  1. AzzaG

    @Ravenz_GoYou've nailed the sededucing techniques! Love from Aaron Gunn 😉

    @Ravenz_GoYou've nailed the sededucing techniques! Love from Aaron Gunn 😉
  2. AzzaG

    Unban Appeal - AzzaG - GTA RP

    I do agree to these terms and they are fair and thankyou for your response. May I ask if I get to keep the money that's in my bank account currently? Apart from that £105,000 everything else I earned was done through taxi/drugs? Many thanks again, I appreciate your help and sorry to waste your...
  3. AzzaG

    Unban Appeal - AzzaG - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for AzzaG  In-game Name: Aaron Gunn Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198087864468 Ban ID: !!rpuk6457!! Reason given for your ban: C2.2 G2.9 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I know exactly why I was banned and believe it was a correct decision. I...
  4. AzzaG

    Hey peeps

    Hey peeps