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  1. hmc125

    Lang & Diaz Luxury Motors - Changes to benefit and make 2nd hand vehicle dealership more "official"

    i completely agree with the fact that 3rd party dealerships really add an element to the roleplay community and the city as a whole, but there is just one thing that I and i’m sure many others can agree with, the lag. The amount of frame drops that i and others i’ve heard complain about when...
  2. hmc125

    Samara Webster

    +1, she always manages to provide a great roleplay situation and experience for those involved, also seems to show interest in what flavour milkshake is my favourite. keep doing what your doing @Samara
  3. hmc125

    Unban Appeal - hmc125 - GTA RP

    I find it hard to recall what happened with the drugs that i had on myself. I believe i attempted to drop them to those who were trying to rob me however I cant fully recall what happened. Please correct me if i am wrong.
  4. hmc125

    Unban Appeal - hmc125 - GTA RP

    You are correct Stuart, i should have just asked, it was my mistake for not bringing it to any ones attention that i could not communicate with the people involved and i should have just asked to have time to fix my issue before continuing.  Onto your next question, with full honesty i will say...
  5. hmc125

    Unban Appeal - hmc125 - GTA RP

    @StuartDuring the situation of me being robbed, I had panicked as i was confused on what was happening and how i could resolve my issue in time. I have no excuse to why i didnt use OOC chat or discuss the situation in discord or TS, all i can say to that is im sorry and i should have let the...
  6. hmc125

    Unban Appeal - hmc125 - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for hmc125  In-game Name: Daniel Jameson Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198864126222 Ban ID: !!rpuk10318!! Reason given for your ban: C2.3 (Combat Logging) In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I believe I was banned because i had logged out of a...