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  1. Leyton Lean

    GTA RP - Bin bag not working

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Leyton Lean Steam ID: 76561198994515352 Date: Jan 1, 1970 Time: 22:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Bin bag not working Provide a full description of the bug: When collecting bin bags to put in truck, it just keeps going and does not complete the...
  2. Leyton Lean

    Report a player - 100 - GTA RP

    Sounds good. i have sent Sam a message with my discord so he can message me when hes around to sort that out.
  3. Leyton Lean

    Report a player - 100 - GTA RP

    i just have not been on that character since. after that restart i didn't come back onto the server until like 9 that night on my main character. im sure logs can prove that. i got no issue logging into that character if someone will be there to sent me to jail. knowing that location i doubt...