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  1. DW260

    Unban Appeal - DW260 - Malden Life

    I do yes that's perfectly fine 
  2. DW260

    Unban Appeal - DW260 - Malden Life

    No, this is the only time I've ever done that or broken any rules in the server for that matter, and I do apologize. I do wish you knew how sorry I am. Also, I think a little differently but without going too much into my personal life, but it's what separates me from people in the outside...
  3. DW260

    Unban Appeal - DW260 - Malden Life

    Of course. The fist chip was successful, so then I should have left it there, but I remember thinking to myself what If I move the whole 20 over I'm sure that won't work because the large content in money. Why I thought that I don't know,the only thing I can explain myself it was late and I...
  4. DW260

    Unban Appeal - DW260 - Malden Life

    Unfortunately, it's the truth mate, i had around 80k in cash and a 20k chip. If I wanted to gain an advantage I would have gone more than 20k casino chip, i would tell you and be honest if I was trying to get an advantage, that is my story and I'm sticking to it because it's the truth  I will...
  5. DW260

    Unban Appeal - DW260 - Malden Life

    Thank you for getting back to me, and I hope you're well. I was intrigued because i wanted to know if this chip would stay in the place where I put it. It does sound stupid when I say it, but my only excuse, it was late and I was tired because after that happened, I logged off and went to bed...
  6. DW260

    Unban Appeal - DW260 - Malden Life

    Unban Appeal for DW260  In-game Name: Max Malone Server: Malden Life Steam ID: 76561198021898392 Ban ID: !!rpuk15984!! Reason given for your ban: g2.9, c2.2 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I transferred money between my characters. it was...
  7. DW260

    Unban Appeal - DW260 - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for DW260  In-game Name: Max Malone Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198021898392 Ban ID: !!rpuk15984!! Reason given for your ban: g2.9, c2.2 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Last night, I made a foolish mistake by transferring money between my...