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Accidental VDM in Kavala

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I just got banned for VDMing in Kavala, and i'd like to request to be unbanned. I didnt intend to VDM this person, and i also said sorry, but what happned was that there were a explosion a few meters away from me so i drove over to see what happned. I didnt drive fast at all, but suddently this guy runs straight into the road right in front of me, presumingly to loot before the police/the owners got back.

I feel bad for hitting this person with my car, but honestly, i think that this wasnt my fault, but the person i hit's fault. Running out in the road to loot is quite stupid, and i hope you agree with me.

I just joined the server today, and i really hope to continue playing with you guys.

I didnt really get to contact anyone at the time, as there was so much happening like flying ATV's ramming cars causing mayor explosions really distracting me. I have read the rules and i have no intentions of breaking them. I understand that VDM is a no-no in blue areas, and I'll try to not hit anyone else.

Thanks you for taking your time reading and considering my appeal. With this said I hope to see you guys back in game. :)

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