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Biffa72 (Acton Ban Issued 08/09/2014)

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Well I have about 5 witnesses and I also had an admin watching you to make sure you didn't do it again so just a little bit of proof yeah.

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Does it matter? CI God has solid combatlog proof right there.
Matters to me. And incase you didn't know, not everyone can afford a top tier gaming pc, crashes happen.

Well I have about 5 witnesses and I also had an admin watching you to make sure you didn't do it again so just a little bit of proof yeah.
If you think I combatlogged go right ahead and make a ban request.

Stated above reasons pending review please contact me if you have further to add.

Ban issued for the VDM

0738531fbbd19c25cc41762af9d59bc4 -1 Biffa72 - Forum Report 08/09/2014

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