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Crazy near miss with a stolen ORCA.

Because it was one of the choppers that mugged you off all night? they are lucky it would let us sell it at the chop shop, damn bugged game!

Because it was one of the choppers that mugged you off all night? they are lucky it would let us sell it at the chop shop, damn bugged game!
Oh no what would I do without my chopper.... shame I can't replace it with my 20 million....

Nice to see you having fun with it though :)

Edit: Flicky thank you for the video, you have just reported yourself for stealing a police vest which a bannable offence (you are not allowed to steal police gear of any kind).

Enjoy ;)

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I would advise losing the police equipment as it is bannable if your found wearing it. It's also getting deleted out of everyone's inventory and house inventory on the update anyway.

What I was wearing wasn't  police clothing was it? I literally picked it up from a dead rebel 5 mins before.

That you picked it up from a dead rebel doesn't make it rebel gear. It looks like a policevest, pretty sure it is. So you shouldnt have picked it up, as the guy you got it from was breaking the rules wearing it..
