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Current Job Reorganisation


Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
United Kingdom
Brief Summary:

Give the Mechanic skill a purpose

Make Trucking a skill

Detailed Suggestion:

Mechanic Job

Doing mechanic job after mechanic job, it's very repetitive for little to no gain other than levelling up and a little bit of cash.  Why not make is so level 4 and above are experienced enough to dismantle cars brought to impound for parts that can be recycled for new car orders.  That could lead to delivery to the scrap metal compound or something like that - it would give the cars appearing at the docks a better RP rather than appearing on a shipping container.

Trucking Job

Make that a skill by only level 4 and above delivery drivers can get a licence to drive one of the most lethal vehicles in the city.  It's a dangerous job and too easy for people to just jump in and potentially cause danger to other road users.

The Pros:

It will give both jobs something to work towards and a better structure for the delivery/trucking.

it may also create further jobs and businesses for little dev work (I imagine)

The Cons:

Will be a bit more of a grind for those who just want to jump straight into driving a massive truck and flammable load.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

I don't think so.
