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Delta for Mayor!

TFE Delta

Well-known member
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Dear Citizens of Altis,

I am running for mayor this election, as I believe in a better Altis for all, I will fight for equality, integrity, and freedom for those oppressed under the current state of law! Altis in it's current state is under oppression from those who claim they fight for the good of the island. While many Mayors stand idly by why the destruction of our beautiful homeland continues. I WILL FIGHT for the good of the land, and return Altis to the well kept landscape it once was.

In order for me to achieve this, a few bills MUST be passed for the good of the people!

  • Higher fines for crimes involving HARD drugs i.e. Cocaine, Heroine.
  • Lower fines for softer drugs such as Marijuana.
  • Those Trafficking drugs should be given a prison sentence, as the drug abuse on the Island is getting out of control.
This is vital, as those addicted to harder drugs will be more likely to move onto a soft illegal substance which will be much easier for the NHS Staff to break the habit of.

  • Go-Karts will be legal on main highways, but within cities they are very hazardous and should not be permitted.
  • Face Masks will be made legal within cities once again, we should be FREE to express ourselves through clothing within cities!
  • Face masks should be removed when speaking to the authorities of Altis however, or if requested to do so, so as to avoid confusion, those who fail to remove Masks when speaking to Police should be fined.
  • Ebola check ups by NHS Staff should be carried out on City Borders, Police should be present and those who fail to stop should be fined as they are a risk to the health of the Island.
  • A Police/NHS event should occur once within my time in office. They should demonstrate their Vehicles, showcase their weaponry, and each make a single speech to the civilians of Altis to promote their excellent work! Any notable companies/groups of individuals may also be invited to promote themselves also (as long as no illegal activities are involved)
I hope, civilians of Altis, you can see why I am the necessary leader Altis needs, that Altis deserves! We need to break the oppressive state that we have been put in, and we must all work together, NHS, Police, and Civilian to bring the island back to it's original glory!

Thank you for listening,


Founding Member of The Federal Service of Education (TFE)

i might not be in the federal service of education anymore, but you still have my vote regardless :Cool:  (i really hope i can wear my shemag in future, i feel naked without it)

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Well. Step 1 is to get you in charge of altis. Creepy supreme overlord Delta.

Personally, i think you'd be a great mayor. 

Hopefully you wont turn into one of those mayors that change the rules on the go karts every 45 minutes. 
