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(G2.4) Value of Life


Well-known member
[SIZE=medium](G2.4) Value of Life - At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands.[/SIZE]

Controversial post incoming. I know this will trigger some eye rolls and or some pretty strong feelings in regard. I am hopeful that this will kick off meaningful discussion however and lead to a better overall experience for all and hopefully cut down on some of the reports getting sent in.

As an avid reader of the reports section both good and bad, I see a lot of people getting done for NVL. I think the rule itself is in need of a review. Please note that I have not said change at this point, simply review. I think it warrants fair discussion on the subject to see just what people feel about it and how it could potentially be improved upon.

Under current wording I think its pretty basic and is very open to broad interpretation, underneath that it encourages a kind of mob mentality in some situations where, if you bring enough bodies, and the situation gets out of hand, you can fall back on this rule.

I credit Liam with the impetus for the thread after his thread about banning gang alliances got me thinking.

I myself have been on the end of multiple situations where I felt powerless at times because of not wanting to break the NVL rule and while I am not one to run to the report function it has left a bit of a poor experience. I have also for clarity, been reported once for it and received a warning. I kept the video too 🙂

So i would like to see arguments for and against changing it, and/or some ideas on how it could be tweaked to make for a more rewarding experience. One of the common themes I see is people using it when situations go down outside of their control. I don't keep records of the vids posted but I am fairly certain anyone whose watched some of the report vids (staff especially) can think of numerous times where someone reporting used it because they lost a situation or came off worse despite having the superior numbers in the situation and, supposed control thereof. 2 videos come to mind and sorry i don't remember the names but one was a police officer on triad turf making an arrest who ended up killing 3 gang members before he was shot (wyatt earp) and another in a robbery gone bad at the casino.

One proposal therefore from me would be to drop the section of "if you are clearly outnumbered" completely.  Obvious disadvantage also is open to broad interpretation and I feel that the rule needs to be more specific in how its noted down and so enforceable. I feel these 2 parts are too vague and easy rule-play over role-play and common sense should ultimately prevail. The penalty of reviving with a loss of items I feel is penalty enough and the threat of a report should not be heaped on top of this. 

I think it should be up to the players in question to decide what the right outcome should be in terms of each situation and how to handle it. In the case of attempted robberies etc (which seems to be more common than ever) if 1 party has 2 members in it and the target is alone, the target should have some room to outmaneuver and adjust the narrative rather than having to be outright compliant to avoid breaking of the rule. Let it be more organic and less cut and dried and let the role-play itself play out. If its still poor then let the report be put in. Not just someone crying on the forum because they got drilled 1 v 2 and their target got away.

However I would also like to see some solid input from the broader community about what possible interpretations could be.

What would you change and how? what could enhance the rule? or is it just fine the way it is?

Rule needs to be written down more specific IMO. I see people saying that they didn't comply because it was 1:1 but one individual had a knife whilst the other was unarmed before they jumped/rolled and pulled a weapon.

I see people saying that they didn't comply because it was 1:1 but one individual had a knife whilst the other was unarmed before they jumped/rolled and pulled a weapon.
End of the roleplay is roleplay, sometimes taking an L and losing in a situation is also an experience, always trying to win every situation is the wrong mentality imo. People forget that as long as you survive the encounter in the end you can always go after the guy later on and take revenge later down the line.

End of the roleplay is roleplay, sometimes taking an L and losing in a situation is also an experience, always trying to win every situation is the wrong mentality imo. People forget that as long as you survive the encounter in the end you can always go after the guy later on and take revenge later down the line.
No I get this, but in terms on the rules that I have read over a numerous amounts of time whilst being a member of the community. There has been some in the past that I haven't quite grasped nor whilst in game have wondered "If I do this, will that be breaking that rule, or this rule" etc.

I think some people in this community just have to chill the fuck out. I've been here for nearly a year now and having interacted with every gang, I never felt to need to report anybody. Not all scenarios are perfect and sometimes they don't go the way you want. This is where you learn to take the L, step away for a few mins, juice up, smoke a fag come back and carry on (mainly referring to people in gangs, and whitelisted factions). You'll catch a dodgy baldie here and there but you gotta learn how to chef him up first before he does it to you 🥴

Rules are just laid out guidelines and you should take them with a pinch of salt and use them to aid you in your roleplay. Reports going up during wars, disputes etc. nowadays are getting ridiculous and petty. Feels like majority of them that are going up are revenge reports because somebody took an L. If it happens multiple times with the same person, sure let the staff know that this person is ruining your experience, but if it's a once off incident with that person, move on and forget about it.

You are not your character and your character is not you, learn to take the L, chill out and enjoy.


I think some people in this community just have to chill the fuck out. I've been here for nearly a year now and having interacted with every gang, I never felt to need to report anybody. Not all scenarios are perfect and sometimes they don't go the way you want. This is where you learn to take the L, step away for a few mins, juice up, smoke a fag come back and carry on (mainly referring to people in gangs, and whitelisted factions). You'll catch a dodgy baldie here and there but you gotta learn how to chef him up first before he does it to you 🥴

Rules are just laid out guidelines and you should take them with a pinch of salt and use them to aid you in your roleplay. Reports going up during wars, disputes etc. nowadays are getting ridiculous and petty. Feels like majority of them that are going up are revenge reports because somebody took an L. If it happens multiple times with the same person, sure let the staff know that this person is ruining your experience, but if it's a once off incident with that person, move on and forget about it.

You are not your character and your character is not you, learn to take the L, chill out and enjoy.


imo even if there is a knife in front of you, or couple meters away, no need for a gun for you to comply, this is due to lack of ability to hold someone at their neck, just simply roleplay you're held up by a blade/gun (btw im not suggesting adding ability to hold someone at their neck, in fact i dont recommend it). i've seen some cops press the panic while raising their hands as if they can reach for the panic button in the process of raising hands, thats not fair for the criminals because as soon as police arrive, they dont play a hostage situation, instead they start opening fire to down the person with a blade/gun.

I've also seen police report players that didnt value life when held up at gun point by police, that basically means everytime you want to bust someone you can do it by pointing a gun? thats also unfair for criminals, i feel like the criminals should be allowed to roleplay it out by maybe saying "please dont shoot me" and be able to run away or jump in a car and go for a longer more fun RP for both sides, instead of throwing cuffs and do paper work at the station.

But it does get silly when random people rob police as if they're powerless citizens taking tasers and guns from them more than they withdraw money from ATMs, every traffic stop as a COP robbery, its becoming not fun anymore, Yes everyone in general needs to respect value of life rule, but it's getting abused by people robbing police with zero RP behind it, So in order for the rule to be clarified for everyone's fun, there needs to be rule for robbing police without roleplay. Like yesterday i was on a traffic stop, someone was driving a stolen car and had no license driving dangerously, they had to hold me at knife point and take my taser so they can evade, and fair enough they did and it was fun for both parties, i took an L but for a good RP reason. But the bad ones are when you stop somebody, then some biker role up on you for no reason and robs you because they want guns and tasers, providing the shittiest roleplay. (part of reason why these RP-less robberies are happening more than withdrawing money from ATMs is because there are no easy means of getting hold of guns for criminals to do fun criminal stuff, making the server Police RP oriented vs whitelisted gangs)

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The Police ATM issue is another one which would feed in to this but probably worthy of a seperate discussion. I fully agree jason. Part of the proposed change is fueled by that as much as everything mentioned in the initial post. Ive made several posts on it but in short i think guns need to be more readily available than current. Not by much but at least a little more. drive the cost down some and make it easier to acquire and to lose rather than current which is stick up the cops using shit rp and ruleplay.
