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Grandad Gen

Katelyn West

United Kingdom
I have had many of RP situations with Grandad Gen throughout my time here on RPUK and all i can say is he brings a smile to so many peoples faces! He develops great RP stories not only are they realistic but are also very funny (brought tears of laughter to my eyes on many occasions). Grandad Gens character is only what i can describe unpredictable and smart! One moment he will be raving to barbie girl the next his dementia will kick in and he will be drivng whilst banned 😄.

Never the less what a fantastic person to RP with i will @ what i belive to be his account below!

@sassy stonerKeep up the fantastic RP!

+1 on this love bumping into him and I always make time to have a conversation with him because he always makes me laugh

Thank you so much for Making this post Love this you all Just made my Bad Day turn in to Amassing day thanks for Making the Clouds Disappear much Love to you all. Thanks and Love From Grandad Gen  love Making People Happy xXx 
