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Corrie Healy

Well-known member

Make the only firearm legally purchasable from the firearms stores across the island the Marksman Pistol


Right now on the server, everyone is packing some sort of firearm or weapon and TBH police most times unless we have a firearms unit nearby we are on the backfoot along with civs and i don't know about the lost MC but it can make fights boring and some times 1 sided if this suggestion was to be implemented it would be 1. More realistic to the server as normally you can only really legally buy an antique weapon in the UK as they are exempt from the conventional firearms act 2. Gives civs more of a reason to find/locate the black market and trade guns along with that it would mean a gun would be more valuable on the streets crime wise. 3. It would make some fights where this weapon is used more balanced as it is only a single shot weapon meaning you only have 1 chance to hit your target before reloading

I may have forgotten 1 or 2 things but im sure someone will refresh my memory on those in a comment 

*Please be civil and constructive if commenting on this thank you 

image of the weapon for reference


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Big plus 1 every bum and his brothers got a gun  ( and a super car!?)  still no match for a 12 year old and a hammer mind you.

I like the reasoning behind why you want to limit firearms. So i do partically support it. But i feel like only giving people 1 optinon of a firearm will limit the server way to much. We need to remember that we are not in the UK within RP. We are in a dominion-esk type area controlled by the UK Government. Within an RP sense i don't feel it would make much sense.

Also all this would do is shift balance from *Every Civ owning a gun and being better equipped than the police* to *Armed Response slaughtering Armed civilians that have a 1 shot weapon*.

I believe there's 4 options to sorting this that the Dev/Management can realistically choose;

  • Remove The firearms licence - Only allow the purchase of illegal firearms. This way it will massively limit the amount of players that are able to log in, do 3 runs and purchase weapons. They would have to work for their firearms and sink more money into them. They'd also need to RP, or even pay players to find out the location of the black market. As you said earlier "This isn't arma" People shouldn't be used to owning a gun. A gun should be something of a hard thing to obtain, this isn't Arma 3 rebel life, and making guns so easily accessable promotes that.
  • We remove all firearms - this in itself is unrealistic as there's 1.3 Million licence shotguns & 535,000 "Firearms", this doesn't count for the 6,300 guns smuggled through ports per year. But having all guns removed means that frontline police will actually be able to be useful in actively tackling crime. Right now the second we turn up we get a "Fuck off or you'll be shot". And because we have to value our lives, we need to withdraw. I personally am in favour of this the most, removing all firearms forces people to roleplay. And before people bitch "Wahhhh we want guns" This isn't Arma. If you want gunplay go play Arma. If you want RP, then you should be fine with this, you will still get machetes and knives and baseball bats ect.
  • Give everyone firearms - I don't need to expand, all i will say is enjoy the arma 3 gunplay on our FiveM server. There will be even less gunplay, everyone will ignore RP because "I have a gun, so i am not required to RP with you, i also have a small PP". I am not in favour of  this what so ever. But it's an option at the end of the day.
  • Heavily limit guns - Make it so only a certain amount of firearms can be bought per day. This allows the police to actually RP without being absolutely slaughtered by firearms. And it still give s a usage to the armed response unit. Not sure how it'd work, or if it's possible, but yeah.

    Ppl love complaining about my comments without being constructive, remember, tis only my opinion good sir.

But i feel like only giving people 1 optinon of a firearm will limit the server way to much
The server would still have access to all the other firearms but they would only be accessible via the Black Market or by knowing someone whit access to a weapon. + This would mean that it could also potentially increase the amount of RP interactions for guns as some people could become big-time gun smugglers that the police would have to target or even rivals via the Loast MC or other competing gun smugglers. It could also work great with what Stletlee was saying about the player ran gun economy 

We need to remember that we are not in the UK within RP. We are in a dominion-esk type area controlled by the UK Government
I mean Gibraltar could be compared to how we handled Altis and in this circumstance Los Santos.

Also all this would do is shift balance from *Every Civ owning a gun and being better equipped than the police* to *Armed Response slaughtering Armed civilians that have a 1 shot weapon*.
I see what you are laying down. My chain of thought is that as it is rn in the police everyone wants to get into "AR" to have a gun as every civ on the server is packing, But if this was to be implemented it would "hopefully" see a decrease in gun crime against police and more of a compliant interaction so that cops would feel a lot safer going out with only a baton and taser. To shorten it down cops would leave Firearms and go back to traffic or frontline as there would be no need for 10 firearm cops to be patrolling around.

Remove The firearms licence  
Again I get what you are putting down the only issue I have is that civs would potently throw a hissy fit as they would potentially have to work to get there guns but I like the concept as I am a strong believer that you should not only value your life but to an extent your property e.g a gun should be a rear sight. As I said they only problem I see would be a huge backlash against devs.

We remove all firearms
Also, another suggestion that would be perfect only the player base would throw such a micky fit + I also believe that this may be a tad be too harsh I feel that there should be a certain level of guns in circulation on the server but not as many as I see rn. The only thing I see this doing is probably killing the FiveM server.

Give everyone firearms

Heavily limit guns
I like but again I feel that this may be too controversial and may just stagnate the RP as if people know there are 12 handguns in circulation it could be metagame who has them and would just make RP feel more like cops and robbers.

Thanks for the constructive comment 

I don't think the legally purchasable vintage pistol is the issue tbh, everyone has uzis because people were selling the location/guns for cheap, I think it simply needs a price boost across the board at black market making guns really expensive and something not everyone can buy.  I'd also look at limiting the number of Uzis/deagles can be bought from each blackmarket location but I'm not sure how well that'd work. 

I generally agree with you on this, the firearms available to a Civilian should be very limited unless a great amount of time and money has gone into it. 

I'll also leave this here: 

I understand your point, however I have an alternative.

Pistols and Shotguns are restricted in the UK, however with the correct license you can own one. I say that you should be able to purchase them from an Ammunation. Keep the pistol the same price, but add the Shotgun for like... 60k? Rebel Market should move twice a week (every 3-4 days?) To avoid people constantly having easy access to UZIs and other powerful guns since they'll constantly have to be on the look out for the new location.

I understand your point, however I have an alternative.

Pistols and Shotguns are restricted in the UK, however with the correct license you can own one. I say that you should be able to purchase them from an Ammunation. Keep the pistol the same price, but add the Shotgun for like... 60k? Rebel Market should move twice a week (every 3-4 days?) To avoid people constantly having easy access to UZIs and other powerful guns since they'll constantly have to be on the look out for the new location.
What you are suggesting is making a already bad situation, with way too many guns on the street, a even worse situation by giving even more people access to even more guns. I simply do not see the logic in that.

From my time playing FiveM both on this community and others there always seems to be the same correlation:

more guns = less RP

If you give people the option to have and use a weapon, the weapon will often be a easier solution to a situation than actually roleplaying, which means they choose the gun over roleplay.

 Shotgun for like... 60k?

powerful gun
The shotgun itself is probably once of the best weapons that someone can buy for obvious reasons, i agree with finbar in regards to a price boost in the weapons market so indeed people can not just own a weapon after 3 runs. I also think that some people need to stop trying to make cheap bank of the black market location, its obviously going to put you in hot water with other gangs so people should value their characters long term life in my opinion. 

As Alfred said more guns=less RP

In conclusion, 

Make the vintage pistol the only legally purchasable pistol and increase the price of black market weapons.

The shotgun itself is probably once of the best weapons that someone can buy for obvious reasons, i agree with finbar in regards to a price boost in the weapons market so indeed people can not just own a weapon after 3 runs. I also think that some people need to stop trying to make cheap bank of the black market location, its obviously going to put you in hot water with other gangs so people should value their characters long term life in my opinion. 

As Alfred said more guns=less RP

In conclusion, 

Make the vintage pistol the only legally purchasable pistol and increase the price of black market weapons.
From what I've heard the shotgun is bad compared to the Micro UZI hence why I suggested it. In all honesty the only reason I suggested it is because people will get guns no matter what. Don't see why myself since I have 150k currently and I'm still happy using my Machete. I've never purchased a gun

I don't understand. This is already how it works. You can only purchase the vintage pistol right now?

vintage pistol
I'm looking to have it changed from a semi automatic gun to a single shot weapon 

I think it simply needs a price boost across the board
I'm not against the idea of a price boost my only issue is that people will still have access to a semi automatic pistol. But I can see it being a good stand in for the time.

I'll also leave this here: 
Yeah Mike Polo was talking about this last night I would absolutely love to see this system come in but I have a small feeling that it may take a bit longer. 

Keep the pistol the same price, but add the Shotgun for like... 60k?
I feel that this would not stop the issue but simply add more fule to the fire in terms of more weapon accessibility.

people need to stop trying to make cheap bank of the black market location, its obviously going to put you in hot water with other gangs so people should value their characters long term life
I can understand selling the location for a decent price 50-60k or higher but not just giving it away it defeats the purpose of it being hidden. People just need to get a grip unfortunately people will be children and just give away its location 

Make the vintage pistol the only legally purchasable pistol and increase the price of black market weapons.
Again yes I love the idea of increasing the price of black market but there is still a semi automatic pistol for a cheap and accessible price. 

only reason I suggested it is because people will get guns no matter what.
That is the sad reality of this you will always have people who play fair and thoes that are just here to win win win.

Thank you for the comments 

Weapons manufacturing was released a few updates ago and as a result a few changes have been made to obtaining weapons. Thanks for taking your time to make this suggestion!

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