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Harry's Story


Well-known member
The Lost Boy


Late summer and yet another day of bloodshed in the war for Altis. The Atlissian people were being hit by a new wave of English troops this week. The battered cities and its inhabitants kept on going as well as they could. Even on the worst days there was a feeling of unconquerable spirit. The men who were not in the army went about daily jobs with grim determination. Women now filled the gaps left by men called to arms. The children of Altis, among whom a boy called Leo (Leh-Oh) could be found, had to make the best of things each day that dawned. By the end of the year and the beginning of the new one, the British had invented a newer and more powerful means of attacking Altis. So for the Atlissians it became steadily worse. It was then that many parents who, until then had struggled to keep their families together, decided to part with their children by way of evacuation.

This is where the story of Leo come's in, or as we know him today "Harry".

Leo had to flee from his local town at extremely short notice, as word was British forces were spotted marching only a few kilometers away, his parents (whom were both in the military at this point, if that's what you could've called it, more like a militia) stayed behind to defend their town and the island they loved. As the British were pushing in from the south, he traveled alone and stuck to the roads he knew, heading to safety in Athira from the East. He heard gunshots and shells in the distance on his journey, knowing full well, but refusing to accept that his town would be rubble in a matter of hours; this was the last time Leo saw his parents.

1:00am the next day, Leo was fast asleep in a makeshift tent that he had pitched up using some ripped sheets from home and his hoodie, which he had impaled with a sharp stick against a trunk of a tree. The low grumbling sound of a vehicle coming to a stop brought Leo to a sudden wakeness, his thoughts racing and his heart pounding for his safety, Leo peered out of the hole in the tent towards the road and spotted a British Military Vehicle - A hunter. "Ah, it's empty" he thought, but no more than a millisecond later, he was grabbed by the scruff of his neck and hauled out of the tent onto the floor. After roughly 20 minutes of questioning, abuse hurling and physical violence, Leo was chucked into the back of the vehicle and taken away.

The drive seemed quite short, too short...

Upon coming to a stop Leo was taken in to a huge building, it was extremely plain, and he could notice other Atlissian people in here in orange uniforms (you can tell an Atlissian by the olive colour of their skin). It suddenly dawned on him, why the drive seemed too short, the orange uniforms, the large plain walls, they were setting up a temporary prison! right on where the old football pitch used to be where he grew up! he loved that football pitch, suddenly emotion came rushing to him and he fell to his knees, defeated, symbolic of the Atlissian people's stuggle against the British. Upon being processed, Leo was asked his name by a tall British man, whom then decided that his new name was to be Harry, and that if it was noticed inside the prison that we was using his Atlissian name he would be punished. Leo didn't want any trouble, knowing how dangerous these people were and complied with orders.

Several years passed and Harry was now turning into a young man, he had been let out of the prison after the British had set up a foothold and a government on Altis. Due to the rough life in prison Harry was involved in several gangs in Altis under the new government, becoming wanted for numerous accounts of cop killings, vehicle theft, drug trafficking and more. If there was one thing he hated more than anything, it was the British government, and he would stop at nothing to attempt to bring justice back to the Atlissian people.

It was around this time that his behaviour and determination was noticed by a well known rebel group named Pro La Fam (PLF). They strived for justice just as Harry did, and fought back against the Police and anybody who opposed them. He went through a gruelling recruitment process testing his true loyalty (which involved torture, something he doesn't like to talk about) and eventually, was accepted into the group. He was trained by leaders in military combat and negotiations, as well as how to handle civilians in tense situations, and he began his operations on handing the island back to the people.

These days you can find him disrupting the government with large groups of rebels, usually in military convoys. He is well known for his initially calm attitude, which can quickly turn into sudden karma should his ideology be disrespected. He openly walks around with an Mk18 7.62mm rifle on his back, proud of his heritage, and has been reported to have assaulted police offers when told to remove it from his person.

- More to come if you guys like it :) Give me some ideas if you like.

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