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Hello citizens of Altis


New member
Hello Citizens

My name is specio. I came from Sahrani Islands from city of Pita where I lived around 2 years. I have very good memories of Saharni, especially beaches in Arccadia where we made some awesome parties. Most of the time I spent my life there as farmer and real estate agent. I was also active police officer for around six month. While working in police unit I was responsible for daily / nightly patrols, training process of our new colleagues in unit. I was also an elite member of SWAT team fighting against terrorists and highly wanted criminals.

Than I decided to travel to Altis Islands to seek new adventures and meet new people.

~ Out of RP

I just wanted to mention that I had really long brake from gaming and that I'm returning role player.

I hope that we will have some awesome role play together. I will see you around Altis Islands sooner or later :)

Best regards


Welcome to altis, I hope to see you in game soon!

Welcome to the island
