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Help is appreciated (Seagate Expansion Portable Drive)


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If you have Windows 8.1 or above:

Right click start button > Disk Management > See if it pops up there

right click on disk drive > Properties > Tools > Error checking

Windows 7

Control panel > System and Security > Administrative tools > Computer management > Disk Management (right hand menu, towards bottom)

right click on disk drive > Properties > Tools > Error checking

If you have Windows 8.1 or above:

Right click start button > Disk Management > See if it pops up there

right click on disk drive > Properties > Tools > Error checking

Windows 7

Control panel > System and Security > Administrative tools > Computer management > Disk Management (right hand menu, towards bottom)

right click on disk drive > Properties > Tools > Error checking
I believe I went to the right spot, but where do I go now? https://gyazo.com/c5bb2fccb7f90538cd0eca0182081977

I think it is showing up in the control panel because the computer is detecting the enclosure(since the enclosure contains USB controllers and other things)not the actual hard drive. If you are okay with voiding your warranty i would suggest trying to re-seat the drive in the enclosure as that drop could of dislodged the power or data connector on the drive.

Sorry for the lost of your drive - it's very likely toast. I've had an ext HDD that stood upright, it just fell over, and that was it dead. Given it's a 1TB drive, it's likely mechanical and it's possibly suffered a catastrophic head-crash where the read/write heads scrape into the platters.

There isnt much you can do about it really besides dismantling it and hoping that a) it's just a 2,5" drive on a sata/usb bridge and B) only the bridge is damaged (unlikely)

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This shows you how to dismantle it - you pretty much have nothing to lose if it isnt being detected. Remove the drive from the enclosure and put it in your pc.

Download the Ultimate Boot CD from the internet and put it on a USB key, this has a tool under HDD -> Diagnosis -> SEATools for DOS v3. SEATools is seagate's test utility. Run the Long Disk Surface Test. It runs a short DST first to check the drive surface, then a long test will re-map any bad/dead sectors of the drive.

If SEATools doesnt pick it up i'm sorry but she's fucked.
