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I got an issue with my gang squad.xml, can anyone help?

Brad Miller

Well-known member
Hello guys

I have a minor issue with my squad.xml

I have tried to use the armasquads.com and it worked for some time, but when i added a new member to the group. Which means we are 3 now. The gang thingy stopped working. My own personal info still works, as you can see, but the gang information, logo and tag just dissappeared. 

I tried to make a new gang on the page, and even tried to use some other squad.xml hosting pages, but it seems like none are really giving me the gang info, logo or tag.

Is anyone able to help me out here?
I've tried to search on the forums, but people seems to only have issue with the logo loading slow, but not my kind of issue.

Kind Regards
Brad Miller


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Can you send the link to your XML (the link you put in your profile in ARMA)?


Important note:

  • Do not use any characters beside A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and space in the nick-attribute inside the squad-element of your squad.xml. This may lead to strange behaviour e.g. the information from your member-block is displayed but the information from the squad-block is not. So, if your Tag is like "=[SFS]=", put the value like "SFS" into the nick-attribute of the squad-element.
Your names in your squad XML are lacking the gang tags, adjust it to what I've edited to below.

<squad nick="T-U">

<name>The Unknown</name>

<member id="76561198231367104" nick="Brad Miller">

<name>[T-U] Brad Miller</name>
<remark>Mess with the best - Die like the rest</remark>


<member id="76561198062873891" nick="Frodo Nelson">

<name>[T-U] Frodo Nelson</name>
<remark>Mess with the best - Die like the rest</remark>


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Thanks a lot! I tried to edit that as you can see below, but there still doesn't appear any logo or gang info.

@TI Ben

Thanks bud, i did as you told me. But as i also told Ciaran there is no changes to the current problem, sadly.

So does anyone has a last thing i could try out? Or are you also lost for any other ideas?

Kind Regards

Brad Miller
Change the 'nick'to your in game name aswell

@TI Ben

Thank god! It actually worked! Appreciate that a lot!

I would have never thought that it could be those causing the issue, thanks a lot!

Kind Regards
Brad Miller


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