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Improvements to commerical delivery missions

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So I've recently bought the Hauler truck (₤30,000), and went to the delivery hub to start a mission. I get assigned the RON oil mission where I pick up an oil tanker from the oil fields (just near the metal smelter).

The issue here is 2 fold:

1. Many of the missions do not give you enough time. Even if you bomb it through the city, running red lights etc. you simply do not have enough time.

2. On the occasion you do have enough time, the pay is really bad. I've gotten ₤ 2k ish for a 20min run, which is very very little, and makes it not worth the time.


1. Remove the time restriction for the mission. I would like to RP as a delivery driver, and not have to bomb it through every red light and drive dangerously to try and make the time. If not, make the time 4-5x longer so that it's doable at a reasonable pace.

2.Increase the pay. The run I just did from the oil field where you pick up the tanker all the way to the top of the map should pay closer to 8-10k imo (It takes around 900 seconds (assuming you absolutely bomb it), so at a reasonable pace you should be doing this type of delivery in 20-25 mins. Just something to make it worth while, as the pay right now is very bad. Bear in mind, you then have to travel all the way back down the map to the delivery hub to get another mission, which, assuming you make the return journey in your truck (which averages about 30mph over said journey) it's a long way to go.

If you rent the hauler truck (for 5k) you just about make half of the rental cost in 40 mins (time taken to get to top of map and back in the truck), meaning it would take closer to 2hrs to break even, which is not viable. It's also worth noting that for those of us who buy the hauler for 30k, that's a very very long time grinding to make the cost of the truck back. I feel like considering how much it costs to buy the truck you need to do the mission, it should be more rewarding, as right now I can make several times the amount of money in less time doing a meth run.

Perhaps also adding a delivery hub up north would be useful also : )



Approved and implemented for next update.


Currently: Time restriction adds a bit of urgency to the mission, and is calculated based on distance.

Next Update: Time restriction is distance calculated and then doubled, I understand your point of not wanting to bomb it there. So hopefully this gives enough time.


Currently: Payout is based on distance with some other calculations thrown into the mix.

Next Update: Payout is based on distance with other calculations thrown into the mix + an additional bonus for doing a "dangerous" delivery job. From testing this makes the renting of the vehicle viable but will ofc benifit those with an owned commercial vehicle most.

Hoping this fixes a lot of it. Any further feedback on this, feel free to respond to the thread. Moved to approved but keeping unlocked for feedback.

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