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Joining police

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Hey Guys,

I'm new here and just want to find out by filling out a police application, do the staff contact you via email, teamspeak etc. to inform you that you've been whitelisted? How long does the process usually take? I submitted an application last night however haven't heard anything yet.

I was a police constable on one of the SA server till they took it down due to financial reasons and players didn't really show interest.

I'm so keen in joining this community.

Thanks :)

When you have applied you should get a forums message saying you have been accepted/denied and if you got accepted it will tell you what to do to get your interview done and tests and such

Thanks so much. I did the application last night and haven't seen accepted/denied hence why i'm asking how long it usually takes to get either approved or denied. Anyone i can speak to maybe? Otherwise i'll wait.

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