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Kyle Kamara


Kyle is a great member of the NHS. He is always showing a good roleplay attitude and takes everything professionally. I wanted to take the time to make this post as he conducted my first NHS patrol for me this evening which went very well. We encountered lots of people and managed to saved multiple lives along the way. I have noticed Kyle's roleplay in other situations too. He is around consistently and treats patients with a good level of respect and treats them with genuine care.

harryjs14 said:
Kyle is a great member of the NHS. He is always showing a good roleplay attitude and takes everything professionally. I wanted to take the time to make this post as he conducted my first NHS patrol for me this evening which went very well. We encountered lots of people and managed to saved multiple lives along the way. I have noticed Kyle's roleplay in other situations too. He is around consistently and treats patients with a good level of respect and treats them with genuine care.
@Kyle Kamara
