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Leaving the Island

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The Salties Salty
Behind my PC.
Good afternoon gents/ladies ,

Because of the server issues im not able to play on the server , thats really pissing me off and its hard to say that im leaving , i wanna return but im gonna take a long break until the server probs are been dealt with , im leaving to lakeside valley.

I wanna thank everyone for my amazing memories and the funny moments i shared with you guys , i dont think alot of people noticed me because i was only playing as a PC for 2 hrs and then the server issues came up.

I really had a great time at this community and its hard to say goodbye but i have to because trying 2 weeks to get in the server , i have better things to do.. 

Sorry to say this...

Goodbye and thanks for all the amazing moments we shared.

PC Miller

I never had much interaction with you, but I've seen you around before. It's a shame to see you go, and I wish you the best of luck for the future! 

I've definitely seen you about and I really feel like you should reconsider leaving so soon - you worked really hard to get to PC, why throw it away now? :eek:

The server issues are  temporary, dont leave beacuse of that. i had to so much fun playing with man, i played with you the most as a PCSO. I do really hope you return soon!

Dont give up just because of the issues! Ive seen u quite some times and i have to say you're a very cool guy.

I patrolled with you a lot when you were a PCSO you worked hard and earned your PC rank. I say reconsider leaving the server but its your decision after all. That being said good luck mate

Its that im not wasting time on trying someting to fix what is actually not fixable on my end , and TBH im done trying to take hrs to trying to get in the server when im not even able to get in

Shit, I've been too busy with GTA to even notice. Is the server still unplayable?

Shit, I've been too busy with GTA to even notice. Is the server still unplayable?
For me its not even getting in the server , i dont know of the server status in game , but im not even able to get in..

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