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Lemmen's totally awesome and extremely original character story!


I like boats
Under a rock
http://picosong.com/LdB8 Play this while reading for most enjoyment.

Hello! My name is James Lemmen I'm 26 and born the 4th of December 2010 and this is my story...

So my story starts as you might think, in a hole in the ground there lived a Lemmen [GENDER NEVER CONFIRMED] Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a Lemmen-hole, and that means comfort. Now that we're over with the Cheesy copy of J.R.R Tolkien (Don't sue me)

I'd like to introduce my Mother Keith Lemmen whom is a natural beauty. The Lemmen's are not only known for their great looks and sexy smiles, they're also known for their unreal ability to blow up all the time and walk away from it alive.


I do not have her pretty smooth golden-colored hair but I do have the smile and mustache.

I grew up on Altis like pretty much everyone else here, but I was actually born on Stratis (Thanks dad). Because my Dad thought it could be fun to take his whole family with him while filming his documentary on Stratis, there was no picture to be found of him. Let's get on with the story shall we? I had a bunch of friends when I grew up, like Shitstorm enourmos amounts (I didn't have any friends).   I graduated from Oreokastro High School as only 16 years old and almost immediatly after I graduated I began studying Military, and I got addicted to playing video games. During the CSAT, NATO and all that shizzle, my Mother kept me away from danger, and when the British overtook, the first thing we did was become legal law-abiding citizens, and then nothing special ever really happened to me, UNTIL the 15th of August 2032 (Age: 21) Where I met the sexiest man I've ever seen, his name was Proxeum and he was Managing Director of a Private security Company named AEGIS and he offered me a Job there, he said that I could start with some small paperwork for them, and then he would pay for some combat training for me, so that I could start helping and giving back to the law-abiding citizens of Altis. Whom are in great need of help, due to all the Anti-Government Rebels robbing them all the time. I worked my way up in the ladder of ranks and now I'm currently Director at the Private Security Company going by the name of AEGIS. It was a bumpy ride getting to the position but now that I'm here I always to the best of my ability help everyone in need and look away from illegal activities. But that's not it, I may work full-time at AEGIS as a Director but as you know there's not really any full-time job that pays enough for all the good things in life, so I have a Part-time Job at a Taxi Company where I get paid enough for my annual use of Prenglis and Mønster. I have also applied for a job at the Government as a kind of "Helper" to Immigrants and other new arrivals to the Island of Altis, I'm still waiting for them to get back to me but I hope I get the job so I can stop sucki.. I mean driving Taxi's. (Oh and I didn't get the job, thanks alot government..)

The 7th of March 2035 I left AEGIS (Don't know if this is for good) and joined the Police force, no idea what this will mean to my career but I might start earning money now!

For any ladies out there, I'm single and I have a huge Cock called Danny, and he loves Tuna to death.


Here's a picture of Danny with his last owner Carl.

That was all from me for now, Toodles!

Now out of Roleplay, I hope you enjoyed my little Story and if you think I need to cover something more please submit a comment :) A picture of me will be added as soon as I get ingame and take it. 


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Lemmen, you beast. Loved it in combination with that music haha
