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LoA Dok (Rejected - Reason Given)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): LoA Dok
Time & Date this happened: Around 15.00-16.00 on 06/10/2014
Description of what happened: We got a dispatch from a police constable by the garage in kavala saying an armed guy was running West from the garage, so DI Genesis and my selfe went down there to assist him, we decided to be there as by standers and wait for the armed guy to expose him selfe, and instead it turned into loads of Ifrits driving around. I made the call on whether or not DI Genesis should open fire on the Ifrit, but at no point do we act as being together or never calls out that we are police.
I end up in a crossfire between Genesis and LoA Cool, wich is 100% RP'ed since Genesis opened fire on a teammate of Cool, but Genesis dies, Cool dies and someone pops around a corner going after me, the unarmed civilian who is sitting there hiding.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes, SI Vladic Ka talked me into going into a TS room with LoA, but i seemed like LoA Dok had 3 different stories of what happened.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
READ BELOW BEFORE EVEN COMMENTING (Warning points will be issued)


1. The original poster and the person defending themselves may contribute to the post but keep it clean and act like adults.
2. Anyone who does not have any evidence who cannot provide value with evidence there post will be deleted, unless they are of a Admin rank.
3. Anyone who posts edited video to attempt to get the person they are reported in trouble will be banned.

TY Wilco

Do not lock this yet please. Had an event today will reply to this tomorrow ASAP. 

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Reason that i shot you is that i saw your gun pointing at me while i got shot at, which means im allowed to kill every guy that have a gun out (including you). second of all what kinda roleplay is there in being a civilian and dont run away scared when a shootout is going down? You had the best chance of survivin this if u just woulda have stayed in cover like u did at 2:45, or just sumply run away. if u woulda stayed there betwen the cars i could not shoot you, but u keept peakin on my screen which is why i shoot u after every 1 where dead (exept 1) You even broke the NLR by saying who u got shot by, i know they can see it, but youre not allowed to give information to your team after youre dead. you had the worlds chances to survive this, but u choose not to, and thats your fault. you shoulda try solve this instead of just reporting.

Regarding metagaming. If you look at 3:20 you metagame the ifrits driver. And whats up with your food level? 

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Regarding metagaming. If you look at 3:20 you metagame the ifrits driver. And whats up with your food level?

Post locked.

Getting silly. The Admins review EVIDENCE themselves.

I'm trying to remove non-relevant posts. they are HIDDEN, admins still see them.

I doubt this report will stick anyway as there was a gunfight, and innocent people can die.

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There are special units in the police who do not wear uniform... when on special operations they are undercover.

This most of the time brings some great RP if they integrate with civs then handcuff them, On this note its hard to issue a ban on the video ive seen.

You've said it yourself LOA cool was involved in RP with a fellow officer, I will however issue a warning to LOA DoK that there is no evidence in the video of you identifying yourself as a cop and getting involved with the fight.

He could however mistaken you, its just hard to issue a ban on this so im moving to refused.

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