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Lost my Zamak -.-

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I've lost so many vehicles in the last day due to random disconnects than I care to remember - glad I came on the forum and found this gem of an idea.

k so,

In-game name:

What was lost:

Zamak Transport (Covered)
Value of item/money lost:


Quick description of what happened:

Was at the Salt Mine, and I got disconnected for having a ping of ~212. Boom, no more Zamak.


Having this happen so often is becoming a bit tiresome, how long does BE take to kick when I go over 200 ping? It seems instantanious which is a little annoying.

Also, whenever I alt-tab out of the game, even for a few seconds I get kicked with error "Corrupted Data #3". I tried googling it with almost no results, except from over a year ago. This is another thing that's made me lose so many cars.

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I'm sure the admins will sort out your missing Zamak problem (one way or another), but I thought I'd pitch in with what I have read about the BE 'corrupted data #3' error. Basically, BE is having a fit over the fact that some aspect of the game's memory footprint (or the footprint of other applications resident at the same time) is considered 'wrong'. The official line from BE is on http://www.battleeye.com/support.html - have you followed the steps in there (in the section Corrupted Memory #X?)

The fact that it only happens when you alt-tab makes me wonder whether you are tight on RAM, and the game is being paged out or swapfiled in order to recover memory for the OS, and this is being picked up by BattleEye as 'illegal change' or something. Failing that, do you have any ArmA addons that might conflict? Some of them in the past have apparently caused problems, from what I read today.

Also, do you use any kind of TrackIRFixer program (i.e. not the native TrackIR app)? This has been known to cause this issue in BE.

Do you stream to Twitch TV? Sometimes one of the programs that hooks in to the DirectX layer has been suspected as a cause (though BE ought to have resolved this one by now).

Anything 'odd' or unnecessary resident as a system-tray app or OS service? Trying paring the machine down to the bare minimum, change antivirus temporarily (use MSE instead of AVG, or something like that, at least as a short-term test - but don't run without some form of AV in place, of course!) Kill off those printer or PC manufacturer support apps via the Task-manager or MSConfig temporarily. Check out blackviper's guide (if it's still there) and see what background tasks you can sensibly lose. Maybe one of them is the trigger for this BE error?

PITA I know, but it's all you can really do. Keep pulling stuff out until you find the problem goes away - then the last thing you pulled out is probably the cause! Good luck.

I'm sure the admins will sort out your missing Zamak problem (one way or another), but I thought I'd pitch in with what I have read about the BE 'corrupted data #3' error. Basically, BE is having a fit over the fact that some aspect of the game's memory footprint (or the footprint of other applications resident at the same time) is considered 'wrong'. The official line from BE is on http://www.battleeye.com/support.html - have you followed the steps in there (in the section Corrupted Memory #X?)

The fact that it only happens when you alt-tab makes me wonder whether you are tight on RAM, and the game is being paged out or swapfiled in order to recover memory for the OS, and this is being picked up by BattleEye as 'illegal change' or something. Failing that, do you have any ArmA addons that might conflict? Some of them in the past have apparently caused problems, from what I read today.

Also, do you use any kind of TrackIRFixer program (i.e. not the native TrackIR app)? This has been known to cause this issue in BE.

Do you stream to Twitch TV? Sometimes one of the programs that hooks in to the DirectX layer has been suspected as a cause (though BE ought to have resolved this one by now).

Anything 'odd' or unnecessary resident as a system-tray app or OS service? Trying paring the machine down to the bare minimum, change antivirus temporarily (use MSE instead of AVG, or something like that, at least as a short-term test - but don't run without some form of AV in place, of course!) Kill off those printer or PC manufacturer support apps via the Task-manager or MSConfig temporarily. Check out blackviper's guide (if it's still there) and see what background tasks you can sensibly lose. Maybe one of them is the trigger for this BE error?

PITA I know, but it's all you can really do. Keep pulling stuff out until you find the problem goes away - then the last thing you pulled out is probably the cause! Good luck.
Damn that's alot of suggestions.

I'll quickly summarise my reply.

1. Certainly not tight on RAM - I have 16gb.

2. I turn all addons off when I'm not playing single player.

3. No IR tracking.

4. No streaming. (Though this was the only thing I could find when I quickly tried researching it myself.)

As for closing programs I don't really use many outside of the game I'm playing, TS3 and the usual processes are running.

I'll definetly try testing my RAM like BE suggests, and closing some processes.

Cheers for that reply.

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